Member Payments

Members may make payments to the Club in one of the following ways.
An EFT must be sent to the Club’s bank account:
Bank: Bendigo Bank
Branch: Canterbury Community Bank
Address: 145 Maling Road, Canterbury VIC 3126
Account Name: Men’s Probus Club of Surrey Hills
BSB: 633-000
Account No: 207 467 119
Please include your surname in the Reference for the EFT and, if possible, a brief indication of the nature of the payment.
As there is an 18-character limit on the length of any EFT Reference, including spaces, you may have to be creative in your choice.
If there is any doubt, please email the member’s full name and the nature of the payment to the Treasurer.
Deposit cash, a cheque drawn on “Men’s Probus Club of Surrey Hills”, or any combination of the two at any Branch of the Bendigo Bank for the credit of the Club’s bank account, as detailed in (1) above.
Please email the member’s full name and the nature of the payment to the Treasurer.
Post a cheque drawn on “Men’s Probus Club of Surrey Hills” to the Treasurer at his residential address or the Club’s Post Office address: PO Box 1059, Surrey Hills North, 3127
It is best not to send cash through Australia Post.
You can give the Treasurer the cash or a cheque drawn on “Men’s Probus Club of Surrey Hills” at a monthly General Meeting or by dropping it off at his home.